It was yesterday that you were running around talking gibberish, tormenting your sister's, and following your papa around. Today is the first time I looked at my nephew, Kaeden as an adult. It was completely bittersweet and sad at the same time. We celebrated his graduation from high school. I seen him today not as the skinny little man that I have seen him as the last 18 years but as the amazing young man he has become. Time has seemed to get away from me, all of us at times I am quite certain. It seems like yesterday my sister and I were chasing naughty little boys around. And now you will be off to college, living in your own apartment, and starting your own life. I can not wait to see what life has in store for your future. I love you Kaeden and we are all so very proud of you. All of us, on earth and in heaven.
Next year my son graduates, my niece graduates and again it feels so bittersweet because I feel I have missed you all growing up. Where has time gone? It's time to slow it all down, pause from your schedules and remember that this life, your life, is right here, right now. I truly have battled with always wanting more, or not taking no time to just slow down and enjoy life. Take time to feel your heart beating, to be grateful that your body has allowed you to be able to do everything we do. Take time to watch a movie with loved ones, to feel the sand or grass in between your toes. Slow down and allow yourself to just be happy. Be happy right now, be grateful not for the quantity of people in your life but for the people who truly love you. You get one life, one body, don't waste it wearing yourself out and constantly regretting what you can not change. This aspect I struggle with daily. But I have truly been able to see what I have been missing out on. I am truly blessed. Life all the sudden becomes more clear, more meaningful when you realize you will never get the same moment twice. Slow down.
Now since we are all slowed down right now!! Check out my nephews YouTube and train with him and the old school gym that he helped build with my dad. Also do not forget to come check us out at our grand opening next weekend. Miss Amber has been working her little ass off trying to make this happen. Along with our beautiful mother. Thanks for all of our support.
