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Oracle Card of the Week: Endings & Beginnings

Writer: Amber C. SmithAmber C. Smith

Updated: Apr 28, 2020


Welcome to the premier blog for the Oracle Card of the Week Series! I have wanted to do a blog series like this for a long time now, and I'm so grateful to finally have the opportunity. Each week I will pull a new card and we will discuss the hidden meanings and messages. All of the cards we will be discussing come directly from the three decks that I use in my practice at Erstwhile Studios. If you've ever had a reading from me before, than you will likely recognize a lot of the cards that we'll be discussing. If you haven't had the opportunity to get a reading from me, then let me just say, that I'm glad you're here! If there is anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable about booking an appointment, please let me know. I will support you in any way that I can. Readings are an excellent way to seek clarity and guidance. They are not meant to tell you exactly what is going to happen to you on the 3rd of Never. They help us zone in and focus and a specific area of our life that we are avoiding confronting. I treat it as a type of therapy vs some who do voo doo practice. I run specials for new clients and for referrals! I also offer remote sessions that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home! Now let's talk about my girl, Kali.

Goddess Kali

Endings & Beginnings

(pronounced Kah-Lee)

This week's Oracle Card that we are focusing on, is brought to us by the Goddess Deck by Doreen Virtue. This deck is absolutely beautiful! Each card showcases different Goddesses, who bring a variety of messages to help guide us on our paths. This week we will be focused on the beautiful Goddess Kali. She is the Goddess of Endings and Beginnings, or more simply put; change. Her cards tells us, "The old must be released so that the new can enter." This feels like an extremely apt card to have pulled in a time that is faced with so much change. Everything about our lives has changed in the past few months. We've changed the way we communicate, the way we shop, how we hear the news, and absorb politics. We view the world around us through new eyes. Everything has gone through a cycle of change and continues to go through one. We haven't reached the end of this pandemic yet and therefore, we haven't officially seen what our new beginning looks like. My hope is that we will develop a better, more awakened style of living. One where we are compassionate and aware of the world around us. I'd like our new normal to no longer revolve around walking through our lives with blinders on where we turn a blind eye to the terrors going on in the world around us. So let's dive a little deeper into the meaning behind this card.

What is Change?

What comes to your mind when you think of the word change? What do you associate with that word? Does it cause anxiety for you or do you get excited at the possibilities? So many things in our lives are subject to change. From our daily habits like how we eat, dress, our route to work, or even how we approach difficult situations. Life itself is subject to change. What is the cycle of life if not a beginning and an end of a story? But the world doesn't end when we lose someone (even though sometimes it feels that way). We find a new normal. A new way of living and getting through our day emerges from that ending. So we change. We, as humans are so against change but we are faced with it every day. Small things change in our day. Was there a train that forced you to take a different route to work? Did you get a phone call or text that brightened or ruined your day? These are just a couple examples of things that happen everyday.

The Bigger Stuff

We're going to focus on the bigger stuff though. If Kali shows up in a reading, it's not because your route to work is going to change. If she shows up, it's because honey, it's time for a CHANGE. Like in the bigger sense. She's telling you that you have to let go of some of the shit that is weighing you down, so that you can move forward. This is one of those cards that means that you are being held back from the bigger, brighter things you are meant to be doing. This could mean you're in a toxic relationship you need to leave or that you are ready to make that move you've been dreaming of. It could be that it's time to look for a better job or apply for that promotion. This card is one that urges us to look at what is holding us back. What is keeping you from moving forward? Is it a certain situation, a partner, a family member, a friend, or maybe it's you. I see so many times when it's my client that is holding themselves back. They make excuses and they rationalize their behavior, even though they are miserable. Even though they are fully aware that something needs to change. Sometimes in life, we need a push to get us going, sometimes we need a flashlight in the darkness to give us focus. That's what the cards do. They give focus in the dark. When we feel lost and unsure, it allows us to see things a little more clearly.

The Unexpected

This card also heralds the unexpected. We are all painfully aware that life is full of surprises. Sometimes they are a gift and sometimes they are a kick in the stomach. This card, depending on the position it's in can mean that something in your life is coming to an end. This could be something completely out of your control, like the loss of a loved one or the job you've been at for 5 years. This could also mean the end of an era or the end of a bad situation. It doesn't necessarily mean something bad or something good. It means that change is coming. Something is coming to an end to make way for something else. A new way of thinking, of living, of life. The cards allow us a glimpse so we can be more prepared when the unexpected happens.

I hope this helped provide a bit of insight into the cards, Kali specifically. I want to help unveil some of the mystery that surrounds the cards and the people that use them as a tool. I'm just a normal person, I go to work everyday and I come home and spend time with my family. I'm not hidden away in the woods breathing words of enchantment over a crystal ball, while a wolf howls in the background. I'm not saying that doesn't sound a little awesome, but that's not my life. I just choose to speak with the universe and allow it to guide me vs always feeling like I'm at war with it. Again, if you have any questions, please just reach out to me. I'll do whatever I can to support you.

If you want to schedule a reading you can do so by going to


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