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Easter, Ostara, Spring Equinox...Oh, my!

Writer: Shawn StarrShawn Starr

No matter what you call it or how you celebrate, the Spring Equinox is a beautiful time for renewal, rebirth, and reinvention. We often see the new year as a time to reinvent ourselves or renew our dedication to a project; however, Spring is a wonderful time to clear out the old and start with the new. This year, the Spring Equinox falls on Saturday, March 20th, and if you're not already busy with that pesky spring cleaning, here are some great ways to help usher in the warmer weather!

1) Welcome the first sun of spring! Now, if you are like me and mornings are not your friend, consider setting the timer on your coffee pot to get that extra kick of caffeine before starting your morning. This year, dawn on the equinox starts at 6:31 A.M. and lasts until approximately 07:00 A.M. CST. Wake up early and usher in the first light of Spring. Reflect on any new projects or ideas you have for the upcoming season.

2) Plan your garden! Are you the green thumb type? Take a few moments to plan your garden. If you haven't already, start your seeds so you can transplant your garden when the ground official thaws. Research suggests that digging in soil increases serotonin in your system, something we all desperately need after the long winter months!

3) Go for a walk! It's beyond time we get out to stretch our legs after being cooped up all winter. Go for a walk to get that extra big of cardio, and if you're like me, shed some of that acquired winter weight. Enjoy the sun on your face, the breeze in your hair, and get reconnected to the Earth.

4) Enjoy a bonfire! Nothing says warmer weather like sitting around a warm fire with friends and your favorite beverage. Take this opportunity to enjoy being outdoors when the cool night air reflects the warmth of the raging fire. Interested in different types of divination? Try looking for pictures or symbols in the smoke or flames!

5) Dye Easter Eggs! Never overlook the classics! Dying eggs is a great activity for the entire family. Invite the loved ones over and dye eggs until your heart is content. This tradition is popular in so many belief systems that it's a great way to bring people of all spiritual paths together to celebrate Spring. For added fun, try dying eggs using shaving cream and food coloring!

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate the coming of Spring, take time to reflect and meditate on all that has changed over the last year. Take time to appreciate the new life that is forming and the beauty that emerges. Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the spring Thunderstorms with family and friends. Counting these blessings is sure to put a "spring" in your step.


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